Aircraft Electronic Flight Instrument
Code: PN# RAAV-18D
The Aircraft Electronic Flight Instrument System Trainer has been designed to enable avionics students to understand a typical digital bus EFIS system, and to perform maintenance and troubleshooting tasks that are typically encountered by Rama Aviation maintenance personnel. The Rama Aviation's RAAV-18D is the essential component of 'Glass Cockpit'.
- Based on ARINC 429 which can make students easily understand other EFIS based on other versions of the avionics flight and military data bus.
- Multi-mode displays with ADI, HIS, and Map modes. Map mode allows for the superposition of Weather Radar data and sector display.
- Simulates the typical aircraft EFIS installation faults including sensor feed faults (from simulator panel).
- Provided with a numbered switch panel or patching panel with a cover.
- The signal simulator supplied with test panels, patching panels, harnesses, computer-controlled simulator, and means of navigation data entry so as to allow demonstration of typical dynamic displays and full testing of the system.
- Two Display Units
- Symbol Generator
- Control Unit
- Signal Simulator
- Instructor's Panel
- Power by 28VDC.